A new report out by Wetpaint and the Alitmeter Group showed that companies with the greatest engagement in social media in the past year grew their revenues by 18% while companies that were the least engage showed about a 6% decrease in revenue. The study included the top 100 brands and include such social media channels as blogs, wikis, Twitter, Facebook and discussion forums. Not surprisingly, the top three brands with the highest levels of engagement included Starbucks, Dell and Google.
Where it gets interesting is that the analysis revealed that these companies had dedicated teams of people who were actively engaged in using the variety of social media channels. WebProNews reports that:
Basically, it shows that it pays (literally) to have a team working full time on engaging with customers via social media. Even if that team consists of one person, it means they will not be distracted by other tasks and can give the social channel the attention required for it to make a significant impact.
What this means for the small business owner who may not be able to afford nor need a “dedicated” staff of employees to help them engage with their customers using social media, but they do have the ability to work with a Social Media Virtual Assistant and make an impact on their overall online visibility and more importantly, their bottom line. Social media becomes an effective marketing channel when it is used as part of a strategy and with continuous and ongoing efforts. The small business owner or entrepreneur who may not have the time or the capacity to get started and maintain their social media/social networking initiatives can benefit from being able to work with a Social Media Virtual Assistant.
By working with a Social Media Virtual Assistant, small business owners are able to contract for just the number of hours needed plus a SMVA is well versed in how to get them up and running with their social media in a minimal amount of time. There is also the added benefit that working with a SMVA over time will make them familiar with your business, your style and your goals which means they essentially become a partner with you in your social media marketing efforts.
What are your concerns in getting started or maintaining your social media efforts as a means to connect and engage with your customers or network with colleagues?
Interesting idea I think a Virtual Office Social Media Assistant is a great idea and one that I haven’t heard of before. I think it could really take off, considering how popular social media is becoming.